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HWID: Understanding its Importance and Use

HWID: Understanding its Importance and Use

HWID is a unique identification of your computer’s hardware, used to ensure the security and integrity of software. This ID helps protect against the misuse of programs, such as cheats and hacks in games.

In addition, HWID helps prevent fraud by ensuring that only authorized users can access certain resources. Understanding the importance and use of HWID is crucial to ensuring a safe and fair experience in online games and other software that requires advanced protection

Why do we use it?

Why do we use it?

We use the hardware identification system (HWID) to prevent possible fraud related to our products. In this way, we ensure the authenticity and legitimate use of our software, providing a safer and more reliable experience for our users.

Can I reset my HWID?

Can I reset my HWID?

Yes, you can request to reset your HWID every 10 hours. The customer can do this using our Discord bot or, in the case of PUBG, directly from the software. The system works 24 hours a day, ensuring that your reset request is fulfilled at any time